
Happy New Year 2023.  Celebration, 

And a great big thank you, to all our team, supports, fans and users, for being such an important part of us and what we do.  We coundn't get this far without your belief and input.  Like every new begining we build our hopes up with excitement and expectation.  And inspite of the state the world is today, we will nevertheless greet 2023 with the same gusto of excitement and expectation.  I for one hope it works out better than 2022.  We have the ability to renew and reform our thinking and the way in dealing with adversities and danger, how we deal with or treat each other and 2023 gives us the opportunity [you might say another chance] to edit the things that leave us with a heavy heart, things we did or didn't do in 2022.

SUBSCRIBE to get comunication on a regular basis.  https://www.octaviamusic.co.uk/newsletter click on the link.

Our [OctaviaMusic] aim is the same in 2023 as it has been since the inception of our One Stop Shop Music Platform, to support and promote artists, musicians, singers, performers and songwriters to create/start and maintain a career in the music industry.  If you are one of the group trying to make it in the music industry and in need of help.  Try us, Subscribe to our STANDARD MANAGEMENT PACKAGE, for the price of £29.99 per month and see if its what you need.

Greate An Account, SUBSCRIBE to Standard Artist Management, then use the, Artist Registration Form, to upload your info, image etc.  In return we create your own Octavia Artist IP page to use as your professinal media and promotion page.

Subscribing to the Standard Management Subscription give you option without too much commitment other then to pay your monthly subscription.  There be no other contract or agreements and you get to have all your details accessible worldwide, use your page as you live business card and poster.  When someone want to book you, you just send them the link to get all your details.  And as long as your subscription is up to date, you will appear on our artists page, home page and benefit from all the promotion to do with our business.  And after a reasonable time, if you feel its not what you want, you simply stop your subscription.

Buy one of our T-Shirt by going to our shop to choose.  And while your are there, have a look at our Caps. 

The other subscriptions are for the semi-professionals and full time artists, where there would be more involvement and commitments.

There is nothing to compare with, because our One Stop Shop Music Platform is one of a kind.  You will have to try it to see if it can work for you.

© Copyright 2023 Octavia Multimedia Group Ltd.  All rights reserved.